Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Curt Gowdy: Stone Temple Circuit

If you have been following The Huckstables, then you know that we are a man down for the rest of the season. On a freak accident, Bert broke the lateral condyle off of his femur. Not just cracked his lateral condyle, he broke it OFF!

With Bert not willing to ride (what a sissy!), JJ and I took to trail riding and a break from the skills park at Curt Gowdy. We decided on riding the Stone Temple Circuit.
The trail is roughly half climbing and half downhill. The climb, if you ride clockwise, is not all that difficult except that I was on my 9 speed 40 pound downhill mountain bike. I won't go into the specifics of the climb because riding uphill sucks and I'm sure you don't give a shit about it! I will only say that my balls were producing sweat at a rate I previously thought was unachievable! The odor from aforementioned genital sweat may have been the reason JJ was always so far behind.

After we caught our breath at the top, we lowered the seats at took off. The downhill section is awesome, of course! We bombed through open prairie, aspen groves, and granite boulder sections. The downhill ride takes less than 10 minutes, unless you are a pansy and ride the brakes all the way down. In which case, I hope you tap the front brake a bit too hard and introduce your face to the dirt! You deserve it!

On a side note, If anyone reading this wants to put on their big boy pants and ride Middle Kingdom with me, PLEASE let me know. Bert was the only one that was willing to push himself with me, and for that he will be missed on our rides!

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